Teacher & Researcher

I am an experienced teacher and academic researcher who has published widely in the field of social technologies in education. I have sixteen years classroom teaching experience and have also been a School Senior Leader and Assistant Headteacher.

Keynote Speaker

I have keynoted at universities and conferences across the globe including the United Kingdom, Australia and Latvia.

Educational Advisor

I have acted in an advisory capacity for a range of organisations around the world including Tesco PLC, the BBC and the United Kingdom Literacy Association.

I’m Martin Waller, an educational advisor and teacher.

I am an educational advisor, researcher and speaker who is still a practising teacher. I am passionate about improving the education system for our teachers and young people and have worked with a range of organisations over the past sixteen years to help achieve this. Because I love teaching, I still teach in a school three days a week but have limited availability to work on other projects with a range of organisations. If you’re interested in working with me then please contact get in touch.

Get in touch

If you would like to work with me then please fill in the contact form on the right and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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